S. C. Humphreys Empowerment Moments

S. C. Humphreys Empowerment Moments

Welcome to SH Empowerment Moments...

"We SEW (SPEAK. EDIT. WRITE) into the lives of others so they can REAP (RECOGNIZE the EFFECTIVENESS of ACHIEVING PURPOSE) the benefits!!!!"

Thursday, October 31, 2013

CHANGE: Starting Over... Again?! :/

Life is full of ups and downs, round-bouts, and ins and outs. There is the saying that goes (and I'm paraphrasing), "the one thing that is constant in life is change." Yup! How seemingly contradictory is that, yet true? Change is indeed the only thing, APART FROM GOD's UNDYING LOVE FOR US, we can be certain of in this life. One minute we're happy and the next, it feels as though someone has ripped the rug from under our feet. The funny (not "haha" funny) thing about change is that it happens so quickly that we can sometimes miss it if we're not too careful. From my own experience, I have encountered "rapid" change (both good and bad) on so many occasions that it often feels like I'm on a roller-coaster. One moment, I'm basking in the congratulatory praises from loved ones and the next moment I'm trying to console myself, while attempting to explain why that "change" didn't last - often blaming myself or my circumstance. Basically, I find myself thinking, "I'm back to Square-one... Again!?" :( But is it really?

A wise man once told me that sometimes life's experiences (specifically disappointments and/or "setbacks") are like a slingshot - you have to draw back (retract) in order to be propelled farther into the distance (YOUR DESTINY/PURPOSE)!!! This is soooo true! I guess that's what is means by "every disappointment is a blessing." So with that said, I simply want to encourage all of you who can relate to this to hang in there a while longer. Just because your situation seems like a step backwards, a demotion, or a "start-over", it doesn't mean that your life is over or that all hope is lost. It simply means that you now get a second (or third or fourth or fifth, and so on) chance to do some inventory of the people and things in your life, determine what's essential to your purpose, and then move forward with greater momentum and better direction and insight than ever before.

So... CARPE DIEM!!!!!! What are you waiting for???? Ready, set, GO!!!!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

“Simply Being Me”

Hello fellow blog enthusiasts!

This is yours truly, Sylvie Chantal Humphreys. I am just stopping by to show you some love and share some inspiration with you. The only way to be truly happy and fulfilled is to learn to first love God and then yourself by discovering how God sees you and learning how to see yourself as He sees you! “How do I do that?” you may ask. First you need to seek God daily through His Word (the Bible) and prayer. By doing so, He will begin to open your eyes and heart to the endless possibilities of a life through Him and directed by Him. His opinion is the ONLY one that matters in this world!

Peace, Love, & Blessings…

Sylvie Chantal Humphreys

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Beauty Lies Among Colored Kinships – B L A C K

I am Black
I am proud
Watch me Soar
I am Black
I am Proud
Of this I’m sure
I am Black
I am proud
I am beautiful
I am Black
I am proud
I am not a fool
I am Black
I am proud
I am intelligent
I am Black
I am proud
I am relevant
I am Black
I am proud
Cursed I'm not
I am Black
I am proud
I am God sent

My Darkest Hour

Psalm 139: 11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,
         And the light around me will be night,"
    12       Even the darkness is not dark to You,
               And the night is as bright as the day
               Darkness and light are alike to You.

My darkest hour was revealed to me during a time when I needed to see the light of day the most. It was like a dream - surreal; however, at least in a dream you wake up. But in this occurrence I was wide awake. What I knew to be real was no longer real and that which I believed to be a fantasy became reality right before my eyes. I stood there, in the dark, somewhat perplexed by my predicament, bewildered and afraid of the outcome. I searched all around me, seeking out the familiar, but my search was to no avail. And so, in my state of ambivalence, I began to question my very existence. It was not that I no longer desired to live. Instead, I began to ponder upon the meaning of life and what was in store for me. What was "truly" my purpose? Why am I here? And so, as I plunged deeper and deeper into my abyss - my endless feelings of emptiness, hurt, and uncertainty, the more I realized that I was all alone. As I fell to greater depths, my feelings quickly changed from loneliness to anger. The deeper I fell, the higher my anger rose. I looked around me but there was no one to behold: no one to hold me and tell me that everything was going to be ok; no one to guide me unto the path that I must tread; and no one to walk beside me as a companion. And when I did not know where to look anymore, I decided to look inside myself. It was there I discovered what was there all along – my inner Divinity. She reassured me that I should not be afraid and that I should trust my intuition. The Divinity in me made me realize that what I was afraid of the most was not that I was alone, rather, it was "not knowing" what awaited me on the other side of my oblivion. I sighed a sigh of relief as my anger dissipated and turned to joy – joy over that which I still “did not know.”  My darkest hour would soon become day!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Who Motivates the Motivator?

Who Motivates the Motivator?

Sometimes in life, we are faced with a situation or set of circumstances in 
which we are forced to make a life-changing decision, fork-in-the-road, life or death kind of deal; 
or at least it is perceived that way. Decisions of this sort are not easy to make, 
especially when you are the person in the kitchen "feeling the heat". Nonetheless, this is the 
very reason we need others in our lives (the God-appointed ones) to help comfort, advise, and 
guide us in these situations. 

Moreover, it is easier to make an informed decision when one is objective. 
However, it's almost impossible to do so with the inevitable weight of emotions 
riding on our shoulders. Therefore, the assistance of an objective individual(s) is 
crucial in determining the appropriate path to take when our own subjectivity will
 impair/cloud our better judgment. After all, we are social beings who are 

Even more pressing is the question, "When you're the one who seems to be always 
encouraging and motivating others to make that 'life-changing' decision, what happens 
when you're at your own fork-in-the-road and you need some objective counsel?" 
Ultimately, who motivates the motivator? Who do you turn to? The answer to that is... 
even the motivator needs a mentor or group of mentors to guide him/her. No man or 
woman is an island by him/herself. At times, the most difficult thing for an individual 
who is used to giving advice to others (especially, good counsel), is being placed in 
a predicament in which s/he becomes the one needing direction. Pride, ego, and 
uncertainty come into play here. However, no one possesses all the answers as we 
all have lots to learn in this journey called life! 

So, find yourself a group or at least one reliable, trustworthy, straight-forward person 
in your life to provide you with constructive criticism, as well as good, moral advice! 
There is no need to tread this road alone! Remember, we are in this together (W.A.I.T.T.)!