S. C. Humphreys Empowerment Moments

S. C. Humphreys Empowerment Moments

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"We SEW (SPEAK. EDIT. WRITE) into the lives of others so they can REAP (RECOGNIZE the EFFECTIVENESS of ACHIEVING PURPOSE) the benefits!!!!"

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Embracing the Call

There are many times in the life of a believer where he or she must make certain decisions that are, for a lack of a better choice of words, undesirable... undesirable because they require sacrificing one's own fleshly appetites and choosing to do the "right thing". What is the "right thing"? one may ask. The "right thing" is obeying God's Word about His desires for your life instead of your own. Nonetheless, none of these daily sacrifices are tantamount to actually embracing the call that God has on each of our lives. That sacrifice is not the average "Oh well, maybe next time I'll have my way" ideology; instead, it requires a lifelong commitment to obeying the will of God no matter what it takes - i.e. sacrificing certain relationships, friendships, possessions, locations, and/or personal desires, aspirations, and goals that may hinder God's plan.

The question then becomes, "Will you be ready to answer that call when God knocks upon the door of your heart?" Matthew 22:14 states that ""For many are called, but few are chosen". God has called all each of us into communion with Him. However, you (and I) MUST make a deliberate and conscious effort to choose Him in return. The choice, though seemingly difficult, is pretty simple in essence... choose God's will - choose Life; choose selfish desires - choose Death! For the appetites of the flesh tend to lead towards sin, and we all know that  "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

Therefore, if you decide to "embrace the call" by choosing to be obedient to God's Word, a world of opportunities and fulfillment awaits you. Trials are inevitable and temptations will arise to test your fortitude!  Nevertheless, 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us that God's "grace is sufficient for you, for" His "power is made perfect in weakness". Once you realize that you were designed with a purpose (to worship God with whatever gifts He has given you) and that you will not be made whole or be fulfilled until/unless you answer and walk in that calling, it will become much easier to embrace!


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